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If you’re interested in implementing a recycling program in your community, you should visit your local recycling center in Atlanta for recycling facts and tips. A comprehensive recycling program allows you to reduce waste, recycle valuable materials, and reuse certain items for the good of your community. Here are some great tips for implementing a successful recycling program in your community.

Set up Central Collection Areas and Distribute Recycling Bins

It is important to make recycling services as convenient and accessible as possible for all members of the community. This means that even if community members live far away from the local recycling center or don’t have transportation, they should still be able to take advantage of the recycling program. You must set up central recycling collection areas, or coordinate recycling pick up with your recycling center. You must also distribute recycling bins or dumpsters to community members.

Review Your Local Recycling Center’s Services and Options

Next, you should become familiar with the recycling services that your local recycling center offers. Find out what materials the recycling center is capable of recycling. You should also know whether recyclables must be sorted, or if they can be mixed when placed in dumpsters or recycling bins. Most recycling centers provide metal, cardboard, wood, glass, electronics, paper, and plastic recycling. You should find out if your recycling center provides dumpster rentals, recycling bins, and recycling and trash pickup. If they do, you’ll need to coordinate recycling services and pickup dates with the community.

Promote Recycling Facts Throughout Your Community

Once you have the details worked out with your recycling center, you will need to begin promoting your recycling program throughout the community. Each community member will need to be aware of key recycling facts, such as where dumpsters or recycling bins are located; what the pickup dates, times, and locations are; and exactly what materials are recyclable. Each community member should know how to best reduce, reuse, and recycle waste. They should also have access to an information forum or question and answer sessions.